Setup Camp

Setting up Camp Quilt took a little more time due to tent issues, but all in all, it turned out well!

First Quilt Camp retreat of the season! With that comes setting up! My tent is an awesome Eureka tent, but it’s difficult to setup with one person. Luckily I had my tripods with me and a clamp, so that could hold up one pole while I set the other one up. It took about 90 sweaty minutes to setup while the pagoda took all but 5 min, which included placing the stakes around the corners. Maybe invest in a tent that pops up? Anyone have any suggestions? Please leave in the comments below. The lighting is from Dollar Tree and Target. Those Solar Lights were from Dollar Tree is you can believe it. I also set up my first solo campfire with SoloStove. See photo!

SoloStove Ranger 2.0 started a perfect campfire in a few minutes with some quick start kindling and one log!

Here is the process of my Quilt Camp setup!

It was too hot and damp to set up a time-lapse video, but here are the parts of Quilt Camp coming together!

I tried to fall asleep in the tent around 11 pm. And I did for an hour…. But it was so damp. At 60 degrees, the dampness made everything so chilly and humid. By the time 1:00 am came around, I made the decision to sleep in my car with my pillow and blankets. It’s not how I like to sleep while camping, but the moisture was unbearable. I wasn’t able to sew that night either, cause all of the moisture and dew. All I could do was cut fabric and that was challenging not getting wet. Normally, this isn’t the case in the summer when it’s much drier.

Got up at 6:30 am feel refreshed and head to the campsites showers! Harrington has one of the nicest shower facilities outside Kohler-Andrae and Peninsula State Park.

Just can’t get over the facilities here at Harrington. Granted it’s not a spa or even your home shower, but for a camp ground, these showers are amazing!

Can you believe this? A shower stall at a camp ground with a dividing wall, mirror, hooks and lights? Hot water too! Each show has it’s own door that can be locked behind.

After taking a nice relaxing shower on campsite, I decided to take a nice 1.5 mile walk around Quarry Lake. Check out my photo gallery below of the photos I took on my walk around 7:30 am.

Stay tuned for my first Quilt Project where I do my first nine patch quilt block!

Back to Camp Quilt after a nice walk and shower! Getting ready for my first project!

Thank y’all for reading about my adventures. More to come! Because of the heat, I’m unable to film video, so I blogging my adventures instead!

Happy camping where ever you are cause home is where the heart is!




Camp Quilt


Sew Sampler May 2023