First Blog Post! Birthday Hike!

Jane and I starting our hike at the bottom of Asthma Hill!

Birthday Hike with Jane…an on going tradition!

Each year Jane and I go on a hike at a Wisconsin State Park near our homes for my Birthday. This year we chose Lapham Peak in Delafield, WI. It’s known as the one of three Kettles of the Kettle Moraine of Wisconsin. This one would be the West Kettle. Extra wide trails and at least 5 different hiking options that start from 1.5 miles all the way to 5 miles! There is an awesome observation tower in the middle of the park.

Today, we did almost 3 miles with a change of elevation by 300 ft! That’s an amazing work out. Thankfully the weather was 72 degrees and there was a light breeze with lots of sunshine. Perfect day for a hike!

With this being my first blog post, I want to get excited with the adventures I will be sharing. I really enjoy nature and go on hikes at least twice a week. But I also like to craft, sew and take photos of and with nature. When I camp, I enjoy sewing outdoors and now quilting. Sometimes I will do some paper crafting and stamping at a picnic table. There is nothing better than crafting under the trees and out of doors. As long as it doesn’t rain…lol. Then when I want to get out for some exercise, I’ll go on a hike and take photos of nature. Photography was my first love and especially of nature. This is who I’m and this is what I will be sharing on this blog. I hope you will continue on this journey with me! Now it’s time for me to join my family for a Birthday dinner!



Along the Blue Trail at Lapham Peak State Park

On the way back toward the end of the Blue Trail. Just a beautiful day!


Trip to Stitches n’ Tyme