Re-organize, 3D Printing & October Sew Samper 2024

The October Box inspired so much more than just quilting!

Hey Quilting Campers!

What a box!!! I know you most likely asking what’s with my title! Well, this box was both a surprise and inspiration.

After recently watching a YouTube video by MX Domestic about a Springy storage container that we can sew, the October box has the tools to make one. I couldn’t believe that coincidence and was excited I didn’t have to order the spring cause it was in my box.

Then there was a 3D printed object made by a local Utah maker company. This a scissor sheath that can be mounted to your machine or organizer. You know I have talked about 3D printing before ever since I go my first printer a year ago. I haven’t shared much about it with you, cause I wasn’t entirely certain that the brand I have currently is a brand I’m confident in sharing with you. But, with that being said, I’ll be investing in a BambuLab soon and that 3D printer is reliable and reachable to anyone that want’s to print tools, sewing notions, rulers, organizers and home decor at the touch of a button. Anyone can use it and feel empowered to make and create! Stay tuned!

Here are some items over the past year I’ve printed with my currently 3D printer. Most prints can be sent to the printer right from your phone, computer and iPad. So easy and unbelievably fast!

Then there was the mini-bolts that inspired my re-organization of fatquarter precuts and yardage. Then I went to IKEA to buy serval organization inserts for the Kallax system in my quilting studio. These min-bolts are genius for our personal fabric stash cause it keeps the fabric flat and easy to spot. When I was ready to place an order from Fat Quarter Shop, I realized I could 3D print my own! I’m currently designing a mini-bolt like product in TinkerCad and will make sure to share it with you once completed. Who knows, maybe I could share these with you with The Quiliting Camper branding!

Love the fabric of this box and that goes with out saying. Sew Samper Boxes rarely disappoint. Even though the value on this box was less than usual, the personal value and inspiration is one of the best!

Thank so much for your support! Stay tuned for some fun projects. I recently took a trip to Bigsby’s Sewing Center and tried jumbo stitches on the Bernina 990. A video will be posting soon on that. I will also be doing an unboxing of the BambuLab P1S combo after I make the investment. So much creativity here at The Quilting Camper!

Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay up to date with all the new things that are happening. I’m creating more videos each month. I’m averaging once a week with either a short or standard length video.

Keep sharing kindness during this holiday season!

Share what you loved most about this box. Do you have 3D printer? What’s your favorite organization tool?

Big hugs,

Scott - The Quilting Camper


24 Sew Sampler Boxes in 30 min!


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